Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Apolo Ohno - A Life Lived Truly

We are all on a specific path, a road that is all our own and which leads to our specific individual destiny. Along the path of life on which we travel, we find the same kinds of events and experiences recurring in different guises and forms. In other words, there is a sort of thread that runs all along the fabric of our lives that is uniquely our own. Taken from a more practical angle, when we reflect, we can see that our innate potential for this or that skill, our predisposition for a particular career and so on, seem to be determined very early on in our lives. We have a chance to build on our natural skills and potential, as our life progresses and is shaped and reshaped by the differing circumstances at the various stages of life.
Through the way he lives his life, Apolo Ohno is exemplary of a life lived truly, and with determination and poise. As a young teenager, Ohno already showed immense promise as an athlete, a powerful speed skater, to be precise. He went on to become one of the winningest North American Winter Olympians in history, with no fewer than eight medals. He also garnered a multitude of world championship titles in speed skating, and numerous other accolades along the way.
When he retired from sports at the age of 33, Ohno appeared on television as a sports announcer several times, and he even made an appearance on Dancing with the Stars. However, his mind and heart were still in some way with his first love, speed skating.
In order to enhance his overall performance as a champion speed skater, Apolo Ohno, like all athletes, considered diet to be crucial. He often included ginseng and other natural herbs as supplements to his daily routine. But, his dream was to package what had help make him a world champion and offer it to others. Together with business guru, Rod Jao, Ohno found his vehicle for sharing his own remarkably effective formula with the world. Allysian Sciences produces and sells the wonderful herbal, all natural, all organic recipe with the world through their nootropic supplements. Now, it is possible for everyone, athletes and non-athletes alike, to maximize their performance in sports and in the tasks we all face in our daily lives.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Apolo Ohno - Making It Happen Despite the Odds

What can we do to achieve our utmost in all we do? Well, first of all, we might ask ourselves: Is it even possible to always accomplish all we set out to achieve? Can we hope to be our best all the time and in all we do? As unreasonable as it may sound, most of us deep down do actually strive for such lofty and consistent achievement from ourselves in our daily lives and in the life goals we are aiming at. The sense of over-achievement is part of American culture, and is pretty common in Europe, too, as well as in Asian countries like South Korea and Japan. We identify with our achievement, and so does our family and friends. 

Be that as it may, there is one person who seems to represent a rarity in this world, someone who has reached what seemed be his maximum potential time and again only to discover there was always something new to conquer, to learn, to tackle, and in a variety of fields of endeavor. This person is Apolo Ohno, former Winter Olympic champion with a record-setting eight medals to his name, and countless world championships to boot, all in the sport of speed skating. So, at this point we might as well as the question: What does it really take to be a world champion? Perhaps only someone like Apolo Ohno knows the answer to this query. 

Ohno began life with a certain handicap. His mother was not present for the entirety of his childhood and he was therefore raised and reared by his father, a Japanese immigrant to Canada who started his own hair salon business. In fact, when you see images of Apolo Ohno in news footage or elsewhere, you will notice that his hair is always styled with the utmost taste and sensibility. 

Despite the challenges he faced as a child, very early on Apolo Ohno showed a budding and clearly remarkable talent for sports, and with a specific penchant for skating, speed skating. His father found for him the best coach available and immediately young Apolo began training. By the age of 14, he was already competing and winning championships. Even as a young teen, Ohno made it to the Winter Olympics and began his stellar career. He retired at 33 and is now a pioneering entrepreneur.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Apolo Ohno - The Making of a Team

Having seen the level of competition you get at the Winter Olympics one would imagine that a winner like Apolo Ohno is something of a solo player. The eight time medalist that was at one point the youngest to succeed in short track racing competitions has in fact shown inclinations to the opposite despite his background in highly competitive sports. His training during preparation for the Olympics taught him a valuable lesson that he prides more than the medals he has received for his efforts – that real success has to have support from around you. With this in mind Apolo Ohno has turned to the people that allowed him to succeed and created a new venture, Allysian Sciences.

It is important to remember that Apolo Ohno could not have made it without the help of several important figures and mentors in his life. The trainer who gave him the advice he needed to get the right body for skating is often on his list of thank yous, as is his father that encouraged him to enter sports and compete from an early age. Through his life he has had support to push him onwards to success and now Apolo Ohno is taking this message practically to form his own teams and support others in turn. This is where Allysian Sciences finally comes into focus.

Allysian Sciences is dedicated to creating the best and most efficient nutraceutical supplements out there, and to do so required more than just a single vision. Apolo Ohno stepped in to make sure that the company had a strong network of team players who are all professionals in their own fields. The scientists, analysts and researchers that he helped to hire are now part of a world class team that have created some of the best selling supplements in the industry. By doing this Apolo Ohno has made sure that Allysian covers all its bases through the simple message of cooperation and professionality. Looking at the facts it seems that building a team comes from building your own successes, and that the link between personal achievement and the rest of the world’s is closer than we might think.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Apolo Ohno – How To Be An Ironman

 Many of us find inspiration from Apolo Ohno because of his determination, hard-work, and endurance that set him above the rest. His competitive speed skating career started when he was only 14 years old and he competed in World Cup and Olympic games for many years. He was able to earn 8 Olympics medals; two golds, two silvers, and four bronze medals. He now holds the most medals in the Winter Games for an American. Even after retirement Apolo continues to inspire us, he continues to engage in his athleticism in other races and competitions such as the New York City Marathon and the Ironman competition. The Ironman competition is the hardest 1-day competition in the entire world, covering a whole 140 miles via swimming, biking, and running. It pushes you to your limits and then even further. 

The five key components of training to be an Ironman competitor are: balance, consistency, endurance, adaptability, and recovery. First of all you need to understand that a triathlon is not just simply a combination of three different sports, it is in fact a sport itself and should be approached in this holistic manner while training in order to succeed when it is race time. The second component is consistency, triathletes live regular lives too, they have work and families, but you have to be consistent with your training and work out routines if you want to be able to compete on the highest level. The next component is endurance, which is obviously huge; when you are training you need to put your endurance to the test like you would on competition day. Having endurance is what will push you and ultimately get you to the finish line, but it is something you have to train and teach. Another tenet is adaptability. This is key you have to be able to adapt to any changes that you might be faced with and to be flexible. As well as knowing your body, maybe you planned to sprint the last half of a mile but you know that if you do you will sustain an injury, it is knowing your limits and being able to adapt to them. Finally the last part is recovery, you have to rest in between workouts in order to let you body recover and replenish.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Apolo Ohno – Olympic Games

Apolo Ohno is a well-known for being an eight time Olympic Medal winner. He has won two golds, two silvers, and four bronze medals. He started out only at the age of 14 years old, because his father thought that keeping him involved in sports would keep him out of trouble. He quickly became the U.S. National Champion in 1997, and kept that title from 2001-2009. In 2008 he won the overall world title at the short-track world championships in South Korea. In 2010 he competed in the Olympic Games in Vancouver where he finally surpassed Bonnie Blair who had until then held the title of having won the most Olympic medals during the winter games for an American. Apolo Ohno truly kept his fans invested in watching the Olympic winter games.
This fascination with the Olympic games has a very long history, dating back as far as 776 B.C. in Ancient Greece. Initially the games were a religious festival, which celebrated Zeus, the Greek god. It wasn’t until 1894 that a French man turned this Ancient Greece event into what is now the Olympic Summer Games. During these summer games the Greeks took home the most medals.

The Scandanavian countries had there own sort of winter games called the Nordic Games but they were only open to fellow Scandanavian countries. These Nordic Games would take place every four years, but always in Sweden. It wasn’t until 1908 that other countries started to show interest in the idea of a winter Olympics, due to a figure skating event that took place during the Summer Games in London. The International Olympic Committee in 1911 tried to propose an official staging of the winter games, but Sweden did not want anything to do with that. Germany then responded with planning their own Winter Olympics but it was cancelled due to World War I. At the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, ice hockey now joined figure skating as an Olympic event during the Summer Olympics. Finally after this the Scandanavians decided it would be okay for the International Olympic Committee to sanction the at the time, International Winter Sports Week. This event was held in 1924 in Chamonix, France and due to the popularity and enthusiasm of all the 16 nations that competed, a year later the International Olympic Committee marked the 1924 event in France as the Winter Olympics.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Apolo Ohno – Short Track Speed Skating

Apolo Ohno made all us wonder what exactly short track speed skating was about. Short track speed skating has a long history and even longer rules. The 1932 Olympic Winter games is where short track speed skating truly got its start. At the time speed skating was typically done in pairs, but this time the Americans decided to conduct one event with all the skaters skating at once. Europeans weren’t a fan and ended up boycotting the games, but eventually in 1967 the International Skating Union included short track speed skating in future games. On the other hand it was only a demonstration sport in the 1988 Winter Olympics, not becoming a full sport until the 1992 Winter Olympics. In 1992 short track speed skating only consisted of four events, which was then expanded in 2002 to eight events. In took awhile for short track speed skating to be accepted and practiced internationally but was well worth the wait for both competitors and fans alike.
What keeps this sport standing is its’ rules, because without them speed skating could be even a more dangerous and harmful sport. First of all, speed skating is supposed to be a non-contact sport, calling for the skaters’ ability to dodge other skaters, requiring certain finesse. In competitions there are usually between 4-6 skaters all skating at once. The goal is to race as fast and far as possible, requiring lots of discipline and stamina.
There are several rules that you must follow or you will be penalized. One thing you are not allowed to do is impede other skaters in any way such as, pushing, blocking, or tripping. You are also not allowed to skate outside the designated skate zone. Another big no-no is any form of conspiring with other members to help yourselves to win, but this is not usually enforced as it is difficult to prove. Most other rules involve safety, such as being penalized for not wearing the required safety equipment or shooting the line, meaning that you drive the foot in lead ahead to reach the finish line faster thus making the lead foot lift off the ice, creating a dangerous atmosphere for fellow skaters, as the blades on the skates are very sharp.

Short track speed skating has come a long way in the past few decades and is now one of the most interesting events to watch during the Winter Olympics.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Apolo Ohno, Inspirational Story

From an early age, Apolo Ohno was one of the finest athletes to come out of America. He came from an ordinary working class background in Washington and went on to achieve absolutely stunning Olympic success at the 2012 Vancouver Olympics, where he won a gold medal. He has since become famous as one of the most decorated Olympic athletes of all time, and he owes much of this success to his father, who always pushed him to go further than he thought he could. Upon winning his gold medal in the 2012 Olympics, to many people's surprise he decided to quit the sport that has made him such a legend. This was the sport of inline speed skating, which he had being passionately dedicated to from a very young age. Competitive by Nature, this was by no means the end however and he has since gone on to become a hugely competitive player in the business world. Some people have competition built into their DNA, and so obviously he was never going to go quietly into the night upon retiring. His next move was to co-found a company which has just opened in 2015 and is so far going from strength to strength. It will be of no surprise that as he was an Olympic athlete, his company specializes in sports and sporting products, in particular supplements. The purpose of the supplement he has created is to help athletes with the mental performance, as despite many athletes having extremely fit bodies, many still struggle in the mental department, especially in the highly stressful and competitive environment of competitions.

It seems as though his company is going to take the World by storm, as already he has landed contracts all over the USA as well as in Europe and Asia. Many people are recognizing the potential of what he is offering, and it is surely only a matter of time before the product takes over the sporting world.

From high school sporting kid to business legend, this is surely one of the most impressive and influential stories one could wish to hear. He is now heavily in demand as a public speaker; he gives talks to everyone from top 100 companies to high schools full of children.

Apolo Ohno, From Sports Legend To Businessman

American sporting legend Apolo Ohno spent his early life as a swimmer. He realized from an early age he had a natural ability for various sports, and at the age of twelve he became the Washington state swimming champion for his age category. However despite being a talented swimmer, he eventually changed hobbies to focus on his true love, inline speed skating. This was a sport he had fallen I love with earlier in life, and it was to prove a very practical career move, as by the year 2010, he was competing in the winter Olympics, where he won a gold medal for the United States. After reaching this high point, he made the surprise move of deciding to quit competing professionally, and he officially retired from the sport, at which point he could easily have lived comfortable and happily ever after in a life of obscurity. However, this was not to be the end for Apolo Ohno. Along with his sporting ambitions, he had always had a strong desire to become involved in the business world; some people are naturally drawn to high risk, high reward activities, like professional sports and business, and Apolo Ohno is one of them. He went on to found a company by the name of Allysian Sciences

The idea behind the company had come to him while he was competing professionally; he had realized quite early on that his performance on a given day could be quite drastically affected by his mental condition. Even if he was in perfect shape, sometimes he didn’t perform as well as he knew he could due to feeling mentally sluggish, over anxious or under confident. He realized that if there were some kind of supplement that could combat this kind of mental activity without affecting the physicality or muscular structure of the body, it could be an enormous hit. Upon his retirement, he set about his new mission, and hired scores of the best scientists, doctors and sports experts to develop and perfect his new idea. It took five years of extensive research and hard work, but in early 2015 the company finally started producing and releasing its miracle product, which has so far taken the world of athletics by storm. Athletes left right and center are snapping up his supplement, and Ohno is deeply proud of what he has achieved.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Apolo Ohno, Successful American

American Olympic sporting legend Apolo Ohno made his name a couple of decades ago through immense sporting success that ultimately allowed him to retire relatively early, and could have led to a life of luxury, comfort and leisure. This was not what he wanted however, as he went straight form the sports arena into the competitive world of business and set up his own company with one other investor. He has never looked back and views the project in an incredibly positive light, given the stress that is known to come with owning a business. On Becoming the Co-Founder of the company, he says:

“It’s been an unreal experience from day one. Right from the time I met Rod to the time we’re making videos, it’s been a fantastic ride. I will lead this company to greater heights of success, and I will continue to raise awareness for what should be common knowledge. The brain is so incredibly powerful and unique, learning about it’s potential everyday makes me smile. Our focus is to truly optimize human performance through science and education, in an easy and interesting/compelling way that relates to an 18 year old entering college, or the 88 year old who simply wants to have the protective benefits of these products for their brain…..continuing deep conversations with their children and grand children.”

The company specializes in supplements that help athletes improve their mental function during sport. As an ex athlete, Ohno is well aware that the brain is arguably almost important as the body if one is to compete at a high level, and he has dedicated himself to helping athletes develop this skill to its absolute heights. His company is called Allysian Sciences and and Ohno firmly believes that the unique branding and marketing strategies he has devised with his partner, not to mention the efficacy of the product they are developing, will ultimately contribute greatly to the cause of improving athlete’s mental performance. Since setting up the company, he has worked alongside other corporate giants, including VISA, GM, Nestle, NBC, and Raytheon to list just a few. He is passionate about sport, and he is now equally passionate about helping other budding athletes achieve the same level of success he was able to. It just so looks as if he may have found a way to do that, and in a way that might just make him a millionaire in the process. Hats off to Apolo Ohno.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Apolo Ohno - Split Second Thinking in Sports and Sciences

The athlete has to hone his or her skills for many years in order to compete with any chance of winning in the Olympic games. Of the many sports that are watched during the ceremonial event none can be described as an easy game to play. The training starts early and only intensifies as time continues, even then at the end one can never be sure if they will enter the games themselves. Most audiences associate serious physical strain with the Olympic challenge, but medalist Apolo Ohno has preached about the importance of cognitive ability on top of this.

In a game that values speed more than most others, short track speed skating is something that needs its players to think fast. Apolo Ohno has spoken about how making a decision within the split of a second can make the difference between first place and missing out on the medal. Thus, a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. Apolo Ohno put his training to the test by finding the most effective methods out there to be in shape and ready to play, but he was looking in other areas less explored in order to improve his thinking skills and mental abilities.

The interest in cognitive function and the science of the brain has lead Apolo Ohno to go the whole way in his investigation and enter the market for cognitive supplements. He now makes up part of the team at Allysian Sciences, a company dedicated to delivering supplements that are a cut above the rest. Apolo Ohno was interested in joining such a company so that he could contribute his experience as an athlete and describe exactly what was needed in order to make a successful supplement. The payoff has been great, and now Allysian Sciences delivers supplements of entirely natural origin and the utmost quality when it comes to results. Apolo Ohno has been instrumental in transforming the way the company works and convincing athletes of this important rule; a healthy mind always comes first.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Apolo Ohno: A Continuing Track Record

Apolo Ohno is an individual who is known for his ability to keep his name at the top of the scoreboard. He has proved this multiple times since he became a participator in the Olympics, going on to win more than twelve times in a number of competitions. Even before this in junior competitions Apolo Ohno was proving himself to be the one that came out on top. As a short-track skater speed was the number one priority in grabbing the gold medal from his competitors, and it was something that he fully mastered in order to achieve the prestige that he enjoys to this day. Olympians of all kinds enjoy this same spotlight during their time in the competition and training that builds up to it makes up a huge part of their lives whether they win or lose. Is this kind of training only for the Olympics, though?
There are Olympians who have faded into the background since their award winning performances. In many cases the sportsmen and women who win feel that this victory is enough, and are able to resume a less intensive environment after their work in front of huge audiences. There is no one to blame here and this decision can hardly be surprising with the number of people that compete. However for every person calling it a day there are some in their wake that are choosing to up the challenge and even to break out of their moulds when it comes to hard work of Olympian levels.

Apolo Ohno is one such person who has clearly considered the value of what it means to have a continuing track record. Since his success in the Toronto Winter Olympics he has put down the skates and entered in the world of corporate business, honing his skills as a tradesman and re-engaging his Olympic skills in a new way. There is much that can be gleaned from such a decision. Apolo Ohno has performed very well so far in his new avenues with Allysian Sciences and it is the result of adaptability as well as bravery. Those who wish to dedicate to a record of success therefore need to remain open and receptive as well as eager and hardworking. As we might learn from the Olympic medalists across history, success doesn’t always come easy, but we can always be in control of our conception of success itself.